Délice network
03 - 05 Sep 2017



Aarhus 2017

New ways for Better Food: a Leading Ecosystem for Food Innovation

In 2017, the City of Aarhus was both the European Capital of Culture and the European Region of Gastronomy. Both titles the same year for Aarhus who is looking to show to Europe & the world their uniqueness and their incredible gastronomy offer.


Very naturally, Délice has decided to support Aarhus in this crucial year. Early September, 17 Délice cities took the trip to Aarhus to attend the Annual General Meeting.

As Aarhus is today the #1 leading destination for food innovation, the AGM was organized around “New Ways for Better Food: A Leading Ecosystem for Food Innovation.” Experts and specialists from Denmark and worldwide shared their knowledge and expertise to enrich the Délice members.

As a bonus, the AGM was organized around the Food Festival of Aarhus, a 3-day event promoting local food producers and innovations for the future. Délice members had the opportunity to benchmark and bring some good practices back home.

Join us

& become a Délice member

After years of hard work and wonderful responses from our international members, Délice plans to strengthen the network by extending its global presence.

Délice is seeking cities with a new and innovative approach to food & gastronomy and strong food culture. New members of this exclusive network will have the opportunity to share experiences and best practices worldwide, compare their different approaches, get inspired from each other, create partnerships and stay up to date on the moving trends regarding food & gastronomy.